What makes a computer a computer?
- A computer manipulates information.
- All computers perform 4 tasks.
- Input information
- Store information
- Process information
- Output information.
Old computers were made with wood and metal and used machincal gears.
- They coul only manipulate numbers.
The input that a computer uses is what the world or you do to the computer.
Some input devices :
- Keyboard.
- Mouse.
- Joy Stick.
- Light pen.
- Track Ball.
- Scanner.
- Graphic Tablet.
- Microphone.
- The storage of the computer is the memory which is called RAM.
- RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
- The wires and circuits are what process the input information from storage.
- Takes the processed information and outputs it to the devices we are using.
Wires and Circuits
- Carry all the information in a computer.
- The on/off state of a wire is called bit.
- Ones and zeros are the back bone of the four task the computer does.
- Circuits modify and process information thats represented in ones and zeros.
- CPU is the master chip that controls all the other parts in the computer.
- CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
- Tells the CPU what to do.
- OS or opereating sysytem is the master program that manages how software uses the hardware of the computer.